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What is Bitpay?

Bitpay is a community-powered and accredited decentralized token. The token offers reflection in Bitcoin. Come be part of this fastest growing community in the world. Take advantage of Bitcoin and prepare for the future of crypto assets.

💰Introduction to the Bitpay Token: Financial Democracy Inspired by Bitcoin

Welcome to $Bitpay, a token that was born from the community, without the direct intervention of developers, following in the decentralized footsteps of Bitcoin. In a world where 80% of the population has limited access to cryptocurrencies and investments, $Bitpay emerges as a tool to democratize wealth, especially among those with low incomes.

$Bitpay is not just a token; It's an opportunity. Created by the community, for the community, it seeks to provide financial inclusion on a global scale. Inspired by the decentralized spirit of Bitcoin, $Bitpay aims to empower people who might otherwise be on the fringes of the financial ecosystem.

The usefulness of the $Bitpay token goes beyond its market value. It becomes a bridge to entry into the world of cryptocurrencies, enabling access to #Bitcoin, a collaborative project that aims to bring investment opportunities to everyone.

Juntos, através da colaboração e distribuição inclusiva do $Bitpay, estamos construindo uma narrativa onde a riqueza não é mais um privilégio, mas uma experiência compartilhada. Bem-vindo à revolução financeira, onde o $Bitpay se torna a voz daqueles que buscam uma oportunidade justa e acessível no mundo das finanças descentralizadas. #BitpayCommunity

Bitpay Token Mechanism

  • supply = 100.000
  • Taxa = buy 0%
  • Taxa= sell 20%

   Rate distribution

  • 20% holders in Bitcoin
  • Lp= blocked for 100 years
  • Contract=Relinquished

Earn bitcoin with Bitpay!

Embark on this journey with confidence, knowing that Bitpay is not just a token, but a symbol of innovation and progress in the exciting world of cryptocurrency.

Become a Bitpay partner and be an active part of this crypto revolution

Discover the advantages of being a Bitpay partner and join a leading community in the crypto scene


$Bitpay is a decentralized token strengthened and accredited by the world’s fastest-growing community that offers reflection in Bitcoin. Take advantage of Bitcoin and prepare for the future of cryptoassets.


Come to bitpay, the best community in the world.
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